1964 Junior

1964 Junior

Junior uniforms changed to grey skirts and white blouses. Front: Carol Agnew, Lorraine Beard, Rosemary Brown, Gloria Borsato, Vera Borzi, Carmel Christie, Eleanor Costa, Isa Costa. Middle: Judith Carroll, Betty Della, Rena Dalzillio, Ida Falvo, Franca Galena, Mary Garozzo, Denise Keegan, Christine Keheo, Carol Kelly, Santina Lizzio, Adrian May. Back: Veronica Masterson, Fiorella Morlen, Rosemary Piagno, Betty Padovan, Paddy Phillips-Vierke, Julie Redford, Narelle Reynolds, Janice Thompson, Leon Ugarte, Betty Wiemers.


15 June 2021

