1936 Students with Fr Baldwin

1936 Students with Fr Baldwin

1935 Student Group Back Row: 2. Pat Tully, 7. Ornia Alexander, 10. Ella Carter 6th Row: 7. Marie Tully, 10. Kath Sperring, 12. Gloria Reid 5th Row: 4th Row: 2. Rene Antoni, 8. Mary Niaree, 11. Leonie Hoskins 3rd Row: 1. Lily Ghnora, 2. Stella, 3. Hazel Tenni, 4. Gloria Tenni, 5. Eva Ganora, 8. Margaret Tenni 2nd Row: 6. Edna Fenton, 8. Mary Carberry Front Row: centre - Fr Baldwin


31 May 2021

